For a list of writers organizations around the state, click here. Send updates or corrections to:
Marty Morris
[email protected]
Click here for information about Oklahoma writing organizations.
National Association of Women Writers , where women unite to write. P.O. Box 183812, Arlington, TX 76096. Toll free 1-866-821-4829. Sheri McConnell, President [email protected] www.naww.org
The Writers’ League of Texas www.writersleague.org The mission of the Writers’ League of Texas is to promote and celebrate the written word as art by providing educational and technical assistance to writers, from beginning to professional, and to serve as an umbrella and public clearinghouse for literary activities and events in Texas.
1501 W. 5th St. Ste. E-2
Austin, TX 78703
[email protected]
The American Book Cooperative http://www.americanbookcooperative.org:
The mission of the American Book Cooperative is quite simply to preserve and facilitate the voice of America as spoken by the independent publisher. We will embrace the novice with nurturing education and direction, and bolster the distribution and marketing efforts of our membership. We market books… yours!
The Back Word online magazine based in Austin. Welcomes submissions with a Texas connection. http://thebackword.com/index.html
Bandera Writers’ Group Contact Richard Stevens [email protected] Next meeting, June 2, 2004, at 5:30 p.m. in the new Helping Hand Conference Room. See Richard Stevens’ message in the June, 2004 newsletter.
The San Antonio Writers Guild meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Bethany Congregational Church, 500 Pilgrim. There is a short business meeting and program, followed by critique workshops. The program schedule for the next few months is posted on the Web site at http://www.sawritersguild.org/. There’s also a map on the site.
The Panhandle Professional Writers, 350 members, founded 1920 is one of the oldest in the nation. http://users.arn.net/~ppw/ Go to the website for more resources for writers.
Writers’ Club of Pasadena (Texas): http://writersclubofpasadena.cjb.net
Oklahoma Writers’ Federation http://www.owfi.org/ OWFI is a multi-genre writers’ organization with more than 600 members, including 130 Members-at-Large and 36 affiliate groups….
White County Creative Writers: www.whitecountycreativewriters.org Arkansas
Arkansas Literary Festival, A Celebration of Literacy, Language, and the Written Word [Website will give earliest details of next year’s event.]
April 24-25, 2004
Riverfront Park West
Downtown Little Rock, Arkansas
Heart of Texas Sisters In Crime (Austin) www.hotsinc.org www.sistersincrime.org (Internet Chapter)
Women’s National Book Association (Dallas Chapter): http://www.luckydogbooks.com/womenbka.html
Texas State Reading Association www.tsra.us
Independant Authors and Publishers
Rita Mills 713/939-9184, FAX 713/896-9887 [email protected]
11010 Hanning Lane
Houston, TX 77041
713-896-9887 fax
DFW Writer’s Workshop
meets every Wed. night 7pm in Euless, Tx
all writers welcome
contact: Alley Hauldren
[email protected]
[email protected]
Bay Area Writers League
http://www.angelfire.com/tx2bawl (281)268-7500
1st Thurs, 7PM Clear Lake Park Bldg.
5001 NASAS Rd 1
BAWL Box 580007
Houston, TX 77058
Fort Bend Writers Guild
Meets from 7 to 9 pm each Tuesday at the Sugar Land Barnes & Noble, 2545 Town Center Blvd, Sugar Land, Texas 77479 (at the Hwy 6 Exit off SW Freeway)
Roger Paulding (281)498-5025 [email protected]
San Gabriel Writers’ League
Joan Upton Hall [email protected]
1st Thurs, 7PM
(website gives program info. & directions)
Box 798
Georgetown, TX 78627
Golden Triangle Writers Group
4245 Calder, Beaumont, TX 77706
Houston Writers League
President, Kim Sauke ([email protected] )
Secretary, Sheryl Manbeck ([email protected] )
2nd & 3rd Fri 7:30 Sharpstown Mall Community Center
The Woodlands Writers Guild
Mixed Genre Writers’ Group of North Houston and Montgomery County
Kingwood Area Writers
2819 Silver Falls, Kingwood, TX 77706
Manuscriptor’s Guild
Box 720661 Houston, TX 77272-0661
Mystery Writers of America
MWA Hotline 713/797-8464 3rd Sat (Sept-June)
Noon Doubletree Guest Sts Hotel
5353 Westheimer [email protected]
Poets Northwest
President, Sharon Young, at 281-651-8799, or snail-mail at
25534 Sugar Valley Lane, Spring, TX 77373, or via e-mail at [email protected].
Romance Writers of America
Houston Bay Area RWA www.hbarwa.com
National RWA www.rwanational.org
Society of Childrens Book Writers & Illustrators
[email protected]
1st Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is holiday)
7PM Eagle Room Houston Community College
Town & Country Square
Talented and Creative Ink
Box 131032, The Woodlands, TX 77393-1032
The ever-nomadic Act!vated Storytellers — Travel with us! Daily updates: http://www.activated-storytellers.com/travel/typical.html
New Braunfels Writers Guild meets at the NB Public Library on the first Saturday of each month to critique. Sarah Murphy is the secretary [email protected]
Saturday Writers chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild
St. Peters, MO
“writers encouraging writers”
Fellowship of Motivational Writers and Speakers
Todays-Woman is an on-line community for men and women over 18, where over 379 writers/poets/columnists meet and exchange ideas, contest, rate and review and help each other succeed in the writing industry. Todays-Woman enables you to showcase your work with bios, pictures, samples and contact info and much more. Membership is free. http://www.todays-woman.net
East Texas Writers Guild, Tyler, Texas–
ETWG is of special interest to writers of all genres in East Texas. We meet on the first Monday of each month.
5:30 p.m. BOD Meeting (Members welcome)
6:00 p.m. Dinner Break & Business Meeting (Members & visitors)
7:00 p.m. Speaker/Program
8:00 p.m. Adjourn to Mixer
Where: New Meeting Place
Spring Creek Barbeque
5810 S Broadway Ave
Tyler TX 75701
Kay @ 903-876-2150
or [email protected]
Submit a link to your writers’ group: [email protected] .