March 2005
Also read your colleagues’ good news in
Have You Heard? , edited by Charlene Tess.
New subscribers, check recent archive editions for events early in the new year.
TCoA newsletters are compiled by Linda Bingham [Central Texas] and Charlene Tess [El Paso] from contributions by authors and organizations around the state and region. For a free subscription, write [email protected] .
TCoA Board Members are: Linda Bingham, president; Nancy McCoy [Willis], Dallari Landry [Seguin].

Jump quickly to these stories:
THIS JUST IN Book Crossing Conf.
Colleyville Open House
The Woodlands Conf.
San Antonio Romance Authors Conf.
Plano Book Festival
Best SW Book Festival
Ft. Bend Writers Guild Newsletter
Int’l Reading Association Conf.
Cross Plains Library hosts Kleburg
Mystery Week–Sisters In Crime
Nat’l Assoc. of Women Writers
Atriad Press looking for submissions
American Book Cooop events
Hispanic Book Festival
Mystery Writers of America
Northwest Houston RWA

from Linda Bingham [Central Texas] [email protected] :
We are sad to report the deaths of two Texas authors:
Barbara Burnett Smith (Barbara Jo Petry) of Austin, d. Feb. 20, 2005. See www.hotxsinc.org for details of memorials.
Douglas V. Meed of Georgetown, d. Feb. 17, 2005

from Mona Orvig [Fort Worth] [email protected] :
Dear Authors,
I belong to an international, online book club, called BookCrossing.com. We register our books, label them with a distinct ID number, then leave them in public places for strangers to find and enjoy. If we are lucky, the finder will go to the site and make a journal entry, allowing us to track our book’s journey. We currently have 333,540 members and 1,783,523 books registered.
Our 2nd annual convention is being held in Fort Worth on April 15-17. We will have members from the US, Canada, and even one from Australia. I am in charge of goody bags and door prizes-and also the one to blame for talking them into coming to Texas. I want them to leam that Texas is more than cowboys and big-haired women, so I am trying to gather a number of books about Texas or by Texas authors, to use as a door prize.
I wonder if you would consider donating an autographed copy of one of your books to our project. It will be registered and, should you choose, you can track it’s journey. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about our group. We have a large number of BookCrossing members who are also authors, and naturally, I hope you will find this group of interest and join us in making the world a library. http://www.texaswren.com/authors.html
You can find more info in our press kit, or you can ask me any questions.
Mona Orvig
Make the World a Library! See how at
from Elaine Lanmon [Colleyville] [email protected] :
Open House Invitation
When: 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 12, 2005
Where: Colleyville Public Library, 110 Main St., Colleyville, Texas (located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex)
The North Texas Professional Writers Association and the Colleyville Public Library will host an Open House from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, March 12 at the Colleyville Public Library, 110 Main St. in Colleyville, Texas. Local writers interested in learning more about the benefits of a read-and-critique writing group are encouraged to attend this free meeting.
How to talk to a book agent, how to market a book, and how to host a book signing will be among the topics discussed. Free, on-the-spot critiques will be available to a limited number of writers who bring their own material. The North Texas Professional Writers Association, a writers’ workshop that meets weekly in Bedford, Texas is currently accepting applications for new members. Information about the group will also be available. The Open House is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
For more information, call Elaine Lanmon, 817-498-7870 (metro). For more information about the NTPWA, please visit the website at www.ntpwa.org .
from Julie Kreisher [The Woodlands] [email protected] :
President, The Woodlands Writer’s Guild
(281) 350-4838
On Saturday, March 5, 2005, 8:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M., The Woodlands Writers’ Guild will sponsor its 12th annual Writers’ Workshop and Conference at Montgomery College in The Woodlands. The Conference features guest speakers, John Lescroart, New York Times bestselling author (The Second Chair, The Vig) and David Lieber, humorist, storyteller, and investigative reporter with the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, along with a host of other impressive speakers including authors, editors, publishers and agents.
The Woodlands Writers’ Guild is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of fledging and veteran writers through mutual cooperation and critique. WWG draws its membership from across the Houston-Galveston metropolitan area. Each conference attendee will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with established writers and network with publishers and agents in a casual atmosphere. The public is invited to attend.
Registration for the conference will be Saturday morning, March 5, from 7:45-8:15 at Montgomery College in the Theater Lobby, Building B. The conference format includes a general session, breakout sessions, publisher and agent networking, luncheon w/guest speaker, panel Q & As, and a writing contest awards ceremony.
Guest speaker presentation topics include getting published, property rights, writing query letters and synopses, segments on children’s books and genre writing, character development and dialogue, developing new styles of creativity, plot development, self-publishing, and writing for the Christian market.
Conference Speakers Include:
Jack Clemens: Editor and writer for Writer’s Digest
Bill Crider: Author and retired Chair of English and Fine Arts at Alvin Community College
Carol Dennis: Author and senior editor for Pale Horse Publishing
Stephany Evans: Agent, The Imprint Agency, Inc.
Mala Farmer: Author and Texas A&M lecturer
Deborah Frontiera: Children’s book author
Philip Golden: Founder of Golden & Rhodes L.L.P.
Rose Hilliard: Acquiring member of the editorial staff at New American Library, a division of Penguin Book Group.
Cliff Hudder: Recipient of the Michener Award, the Peden Award and the Brazos Bookstore Award from the Texas Institute of Letters.
Guida Jackson: Author, founder of Touchstone Literary Journal and publisher, Panther Creek Press
J. R. Lankford: Author of the popular scientific thriller novel, The Jesus Thief.
John Lescroart: New York Times bestselling author of The Second Chair and The Vig.
Dave Lieber: Humorist, storyteller and investigative reporter with the Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
Ted McClure: Managing editor, Americana Publishing, Inc.
Jackie Pelham: Managing editor, Stone River Press
Susan Ann Protter: New York literary agent and member of the Author’s Guild.
Daniel Rice: Novelist, freelance writer, award winning playwright and host of the popular poetry reading series at The Woodlands Barnes & Noble outlet
Janice Thompson: Freelance writer and author of screenplays, musical comedies and other works of fiction and nonfiction
Cost to attend Saturday’s conference is $65 for Woodlands Writers’ Guild members, $85 for non-members and $40 for students (25 and younger). Early registration is advised.
Everyone is invited to attend the pre-conference party on Friday, March 4, at the Woodlands Community Center ($10 per conference attendant/$20 per guest). For information and copy of registration form contact www.woodlandsonline.com/dbs/wwg/
from Linda Carroll-Bradd [San Antonio] [email protected] :
San Antonio Romance Authors
7th Annual Merritt Conference
Saturday, April 9, 2005 – 8:30AM – 4:45PM
Wyndham St. Anthony Hotel
300 East Travis, San Antonio
Speakers: Sharon Sala (aka Dinah McCall) will present How to Write Yourself Out of a Dead End
Karen Whiddon on Plotting, Plodding and Finishing the Book – What To Do When You’re Stuck
Limited number of appointments with Harlequin Enterprises Editor Laura Shin (Romance, Presents, Temptation, Superromance) or literary agent Paige Wheeler (currently represents women’s fiction, romance, mystery, thrillers).
Booksigning by published authors.
Registration, includes lunch, is $55 (until 3/25) $70 postmark later than 3/25.
Please view more details at www.sararwa.com .
from Debbie Frick [Plano] [email protected] :
We invite you to celebrate the 4th Annual Plano Book Festival in downtown Plano on Sunday, March 6, 2005, from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Meet the Authors! Authors will speak and panels of authors will discuss books arranged by topics in the Plano Station on the East side of Haggard Park and in the Courtyard Theatre on the West side of Haggard Park.
In Haggard Park there will be tents for book sales, author signings, exhibits and children’s events. At the gazebo there will be readings, story telling, entertainment and writing contest winners will be announced. Food and concessions will also be available in the park.
The Plano Book Festival is within walking distance of the DART Rail line. This event is FREE, fun-filled and family oriented.
An Authors’ Party featuring a Publishing Panel is scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2005, at The Southfork Hotel in Plano. For further information click on the Events button.
U. S. Congressman Sam Johnson, Honorary Chairman
Please see website for more details: http://www.planobookfestival.com/
from Mary Musgrave [Dallas] [email protected]:
A Texas Book Festival On The Road event
University of North Texas, Dallas Campus, invites you to attend the Best Southwest Book Fest, April 22-23, 2005. See our website for scheduled events: http://www.unt.edu/unt-dallas/bookfest
from Roger Paulding [Houston] [email protected] :
Foot Notes
M a r c h 2005
The Fort Bend Writers Guild Newsletter
Incorporated 1991 Volume 8 Number 3
Roger Paulding, Editor Pro Temp, more……
from Tara Henderson Forrest [Weatherford] [email protected] :
‘Join us in San Antonio May 1-5 to “Read ’em, Cowboy!”
The International Reading Association Convention will be in San Antonio in May 1-5, 2005.
TSRA/Texas IRA president
104 Wandering Court
Weatherford, TX 76086
from Charles A. Rodenberger [Baird] [email protected] :
A Friend of the Cross Plains Library
8377 FM 2228
Baird, TX 79504-4813
We have Helen Groves coming to the Community Center in Cross Plains on March 22 at 7 p.m. to sign her book THE KLEBERGS OF KING RANCH. This is sponsored by the Friends of the Cross Plains Public Library.
from Laura Call [Austin] [email protected] :
Mystery Week 2005 is scheduled for May 5th through May 14. A project of Heart of Texas, Sisters in Crime , Writers’ League of Texas, Sisters In Crime National, Top Publications, Ltd., and Texas Writers Month, this will be our seventh year and our best, we hope, although it will be hard to beat 2004.
Some of the cities celebrating Mystery Week:
Fort Worth
New Braunfels
San Antonio
If you are a member of Sisters In Crime and would like details on how to organize a Mystery Week event in your city, get in touch.
from Judythe Hixson [Houston] [email protected] :
Northwest Houston RWA Chapter President
“Discovering Story Magic”
with Laura Baker and Robin Perrin
A practical, three-step technique applicable to all genres and all levels of writers. Learn how to weave together character, conflict, plot, realization and turning points from the beginning of the writing process through revision and even the synopsis.
From a morning of nitty-gritty information to an afternoon of hands-on practice with this amazing technique, this workshop offers all levels of writers a fresh new look at creating a story.
Award-winning author Laura Baker writes suspense and romantic suspense novels set in the Southwest. From her first release, Laura’s books have garnered critical acclaim and an impressive list of national award nominations including the National Reader’s Choice Award and the RITA. Her nonfiction articles on writing have been published in the “Writer’s Digest,” the “RWR,” and numerous newsletters across the country. All of Laura’s books have been plotted using the “Discovering Story Magic” technique.
Published in short nonfiction, Robin Perini is a 1999 Romance Writers of America Golden Heart finalist and a 2004 Double Finalist. In addition, she was on the committee that created the original LERA Writer’s Guide, an instructional book for writers recommended by “Writer’s Digest Books.” Her nonfiction articles on writing have been published in newsletters across the country. As a professional trainer, Robin is a frequent speaker on writing, computer software, and time management.
Saturday, March 19th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cypress Creek Christian Community Center
6823 Cypresswood Drive
Spring TX 77379
Street address_______________________________________
Phone # ()____ ____
E-Mail: ___________________________
DEADLINE: Monday, March 14th
Registration Fee: $25.00
(Includes Box Lunch)
for all NON-NW Houston RWA Members
NWHRWA members – FREE!
Make check/money order to: NW Houston RWA Chapter 27
Mail to:
NW Houston RWA
P. O. Box 11801
Spring, TX 77379-9998
Be sure to watch the movie, Jerry McGuire, prior to the seminar
To learn more about NW Houston RWA Chapter 27, visit our website: http://nwhrwa.freeservers.com/
from Sheri’ McConnell [San Antonio] [email protected] :
Founder & President
National Association of Women Writers
PO BOX 700696
San Antonio, TX 78270
1-866-821-5829 (Toll Free)
The National Association of Women Writers just launched an AudioSeminar series for writers. It is here: http://www.naww.org/generic114.html
Subscribe to FREE eZine and get FREE eBooklet (Resources for Writers) at www.NAWW.org
from Ginnie Bivona [Dallas] [email protected] :
Atriad Press is looking for true ghostly experiences in the workplace. Word length 1200 to 1500. Check our website for complete guidelines. www.atriadpress.com We pay $50 for a story, include a photo and a bio as well as 50% off on books for the author.
Atriad Press is announcing a new regional division, publishing non-fiction books about Texas and the Southwest. We are holding a contest to name the new division, send ideas to [email protected] Subject: Name That Press. If we choose your suggestion you’ll win $100! Deadline is May 16th, 2005.
And anybody who is interested can set themselves up as an affiliate for Atriad Press and collect $5.00 for every book sold through their web site. That’s easy money. See www.atriadpress.com for details, under “associates” button.
from Rita Mills [Houston] [email protected] :
1…..Jerry Jenkins Comes to Houston – Finally
2…..Author/Publisher Networking Meeting – Wed 3/23/05
3…..Cookbook Round-Up – Houston Cookbook Recipe Challenge
4…..West Texas Writers – New Location in Midland – Sat 3/5/05
5…..Hispanic Book Festival – Sun 3/6/05
What…….The Secrets of Securing Large Quantity Book Sales
Speaker….Jerry Jenkins of the Jenkins Group
Date…….Friday, April 22, 2005 – 8:30am to 4:30pm
Where……Museum of Printing History
Jerry Jenkins, the foremost authority on selling large quantities of books to special markets is finally coming to Houston. And, he is doing it as a fund raiser for Literacy and the Houston Festival of Books. Any publisher who has a book they think could be sold to corporations or organizations in large quantities should be there.
What……….Author/Publisher Networking Meeting
Who………..American Book Cooperative – Houston
When……….Wednesday March 23, 2005
Time……….5:00-9:00 pm
Where………to be announced – please check the website
RSVP……….281-855-4191 or 713-937-9184
Cost……….$5 members
…………..$10 non-members
…………..Covers munchies and soft drinks
The American Book Cooperative is no longer doing monthly meetings with a speaker presentation. The December Author SchmoozeFest was such a hit with over 100 in attendance, we have decided to continue with a networking type of meeting. Come rub elbows with your peers and cuss and discuss your problems and successes with that current book project.
We are looking for cookbook publishers/chefs/authors to participate in the Houston Cookbook Recipe Challenge. This will be a major event at a large venue in Houston with major radio/TV advertising to draw attendees. The event will be ran similarly to a Chili Cook-Off with the attendees tasting the various recipes that will be there from the cookbooks represented and then they will vote on their favorites. The winner will receive prize money. This is a literacy benefit and awareness event for the Houston Festival of Books 2006. For more information please email Rita Mills at [email protected]
The West Texas Writers are struggling with a new meeting location space. If you are in the Midland, TX area and are interested in a writing and critiquing group, please contact Marty Morris at 432-620-0282 or [email protected] for the latest update on the new meeting space.
The Third Annual Hispanic Book Festival of Houston will be held Sunday, March 6, 2005, from 1:00 to 7:00 P.M. at the Grand Ballroom of Hotel Hilton Houston Southwest, 6780 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX 77074. Local Hispanic writers will present and sign their books. Also present will be local booksellers specialized in Spanish’s books, publishers, cultural organization and companies related to the book industry. Hundred of books in Spanish will be for sales, including children books, grammar, general and technical dictionaries, history, geography , business, finance, poetry, and other subjects. Admission to the Festival is free. www.milleniumpress.us/bookfestival.htm
Also from Rita Mills:
We’re putting out the word the HOUSTON/SCRIPTWRITER’S has “snagged” Everett Evans, Writing Critic for the Houston Chronicle, as our special guest speaker at the next meeting on March 7th. (a Monday Night), 7:30pm. at Jones Hall at the University of St. Thomas. THIS IS FREE TO ALL WRITERS.
Houston/Scriptwriters invites you to join our first ever – Writer’s Retreat to Paradise
On September 29th, 2005 – a FOUR-DAY CRUISE for WRITERS… Aboard the good ship CARNIVAL ECSTASY…departing Galveston, Texas at 4pm Thursday and returning at 8am on Monday. Ship includes two pools, snack bars, themed bars, lounges and a high-roller casino . Meals included. $50 per cabin on board credit to be used for purchases included.
WRITER’S PROGRAM: Short, fact-filled 1-hour seminars on topics such as “unforgettable character development,” “trapping the muse within,” and “script submittal tricks of the trade.” Also, an on-board “short play writing-acting” contest – with prizes and topics to be announced. And did I forget the private PARTY just for our group?
The BEST PART: Hours and hours and hours of FREE TIME to just “veg out” on soft lounge chairs neatly positioned under shaded tables near beautiful people splashing about in the two gorgeous deck pools. Or – just inhale the fresh salty air while taking your leisurely early evening stroll along the upper deck “City Lights Boulevard.”
Inside Cabin: $415.80 per person ::: Ocean View: $475.80 per person
Payments: $50 deposit by 3-11-05; $150 payment by 5-15-05; Balance on 7-15-05
(Also a $50 sailing fee for NON-Scriptwriter Members due no later then 7-15-05 – paid to Houston/Scriptwriters)
Jim Bain will be your on-board “Cruise Director and all around bon vivant.”
Questions: [email protected]
BOOKINGS: Call “Dignity Cruises” and mention “Writer’s Retreat.”
888.347.7245 or 281.347.7245
ONE FINAL THOUGHT: So, here’s your choice… either sign up now for the “Cruise of a Lifetime” OR (after the Cruise) live vicariously through the stories, anecdotes, candid snapshots, rumors, tales, adventures and memories of those who sailed the Writer’s Retreat to Paradise.
from Michele Beasley [Houston] [email protected] :
Do you live in the Houston area or know someone in the Houston area who is an author, publisher, editor, illustrator — or a reader! Please forward the information below to them!
The American Book Cooperative (ABC) December gathering, otherwise known as Schmoozefest, was a huge success. Attended by over 100 people, it was such a tremendous success it prompted a change in ABC’s monthly meeting format. The meetings will no longer be limited to presentations. The event is evolving into a networking format where all ABC members will have the opportunity to meet and greet others in the book industry. Writers, agents, illustrators, publishers, distributors, and readers will all be represented at future gatherings. Authors can show their works and marketing materials to the leaders in the industry while taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from others who have “been there, done that.”
Wednesday February 23, 2005
5:00-9:00 pm
New York Pizzeria
5727 Westheimer Road (west of the Galleria)
Houston, TX 77057
Telephone: 832-251-0220 for directions
$5 members
$10 non-members
Covers pizza and soft drinks
For planning purposes (we need to know how much pizza to order) please let us know if you plan to attend by calling 281-855-4191 or emailing: [email protected] .
Every area of the city has the opportunity to host meetings. To have a meeting in your area you can contact Sandy Lawrence at Perceptive Marketing at (281) 855-4191. The American Book Cooperative is YOUR organization, here to work for YOU, and improves with every one of YOUR ideas.
Assistant to Sandy Lawrence, Literary Publicist
Michele Beasley
For more information contact:
Sandy Lawrence
Perceptive Marketing
Office: 281-855-4191
Cell: 281-989-8892
from Ron Scott [Houston] [email protected] :
Police Psychologist to Put Mystery Writers on the Couch
The Mystery Writers of America/SW Chapter’s Houston meeting on March 19 will feature Dr. Verdi Lethermon, a psychologist in the Houston Police Department’s Psychological Services Unit.
Dr. Lethermon will discuss how she works with troubled officers and counsels those involved in high-stress experiences, such as having to deal with being injured on the job, police-related shootings, or losing a partner in the line of duty.
Being shot or taking another person¹s life is a traumatic experience and not as easily shrugged off as some crime novels or movies would lead one to believe. Get the true story and a close up look at what some HPD officers have experienced while trying to cope with such life-altering events and why some of them don¹t go back to duty or suffer post-traumatic shock afterwards.
A native of Louisiana, Dr. Lethermon earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. She has been a Staff Psychologist with the Houston Police Department for ten years. Prior to joining HPD, she was in private practice for eight years.
The MWA meeting is at noon at the Doubletree Guest Suites Hotel, 5353 Westheimer, in the Galleria area. Cost of the luncheon is $17 for members and $20 for nonmembers. For reservations, call the MWA hot line at 713-797-8464 before noon on Wednesday, March 16.
Mystery Writers of America is a nonprofit, professional association for published fiction and nonfiction writers, and others working to break into the mystery/suspense/thriller/crime genres.