The following individuals and businesses have expressed an interest in working with authors and small presses. A listing on this website does not imply an endorsement. Businesses wishing to post a listing should write [email protected] .
Panther Creek Press is dedicated to publishing fine fiction, non-fiction and poetry by both first-time and established authors. It is styled as a regional trade publishing house paying standard royalties annually. Unlike large publishing houses, Panther Creek Press plans to keep work in print indefinitely, to give the individual author time to develop a long-term relationship with the reader.
Panther Creek Station
P.O. Box 130233
Spring, TX 77393
[email protected]
Word Wright International, editing, publishing, ghost-writing services, Joan and Steve Neubauer [email protected] .
P.O. Box 1785
Georgetown, TX 78627
(512) 260-3080
www.Wordwright.biz .
Atriad Press LLP, publishers of the Haunted Encounters series of books, and starting Spring 2005, a line of women’s non-fiction.
- Ginnie Siena Bivona
Director Atriad Press
Publishers of the new series Haunted Encounters, Real-Life Stories
13820 Methuen Green
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 671-0002
Mitchel Whitington (903) 665-1808
Eakin Press, under its Nortex imprint, provides small print-runs on demand with state-of-the-art laser print technology. Also distribution and sales of appropriate books from small press authors. Virginia Messer, publisher, (512) 288-1771, ext. 11. www.eakinpress.com . New imprint in 2003, PenPoint Press, for the publishing of Christian books.
Vintage Romance Publishing, a relatively new company specializing in nostalgic romance and poetry, eager to work with both published and unpublished authors. The company is run by authors with experience in the business. Visit www.vrpublishing.com
Woodside House Publishing– small independent, scholastic book publisher
Publisher: Yuksel Atillasoy
Address: 48-35 64th Street
Woodside, NY 11377
Tel: 718-478-0231
Fax: 718-899-9139
Website: http://mysite.verizon.net/atillasoy
Book Manufacturers
Morgan Printing, book manufacturer in the Austin area. We bid on books from 50 copies to 10,000 (we have new short-run equipment).
Terry Sherrell
Morgan Printing
900 Old Koenig Lane, Suite 135
Austin, Texas 78756
512/459-5194 (vox)
512/451-0755 (fax)
Web: www.morganprinting.org Email: [email protected]
Delta Printing Solutions, [email protected]
Delta Printing Solutions is a major print supplier of books, manuals, catalogs and directories. Headquartered in Valencia, California, the Company maintains a 120,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility. Major equipment includes three Timson Heat set webs, six color and two color sheet-fed presses with in-line aqueous and UV coating capability, and a fully integrated bindery that include two in-line perfect binders, and two saddle stitchers. In addition to its completely on-line Electronic Prepress department, major products and services include print on demand, content and inventory management, warehousing, distribution, and fulfillment services as well as packaging and kitting solutions. Delta prints over 60,000,000 books annually to satisfied customers in several industries that include health care, entertainment and gaming, education, publishing, travel and technology. The company’s commitment to excellence has allowed Delta Printing Solutions to service successfully its national customer base for over 50 years!
6 Chatham Court
Midland, TX 79705
432-687-4871 direct
432-687-6238 fax
512-222-8068 cell
Litho Press in San Antonio has been in business since 1962. We are employee owned and have approximately 30 employees. One of our specialties is soft bound books. Mention that you heard about us from Texas Coalition of Authors. TCoA members have already printed many books with Litho Press.
Equipment we’ve installed for printing books:
- 55″ one color press (largest in south Texas)
- 40″ Heidelberg press
- brand new heavy-duty perfect binder
- new automated GBC punch for doing comb, plastic spiral and wire-O binding
- laminator
- 60″ cutter and a 3 knife trimmer.
Contact: Mark Mayfield [email protected]
web site: www.lithopress.net
Independent Bookstores
Prairie Hill Books, 6508 Old Independence Road, Brenham, TX. An independent bookstore that supports Texas authors. Order on-line, or seek out this charming shop for book lovers. It’s worth the trip. Owners Charlene and Don Keller, [email protected]. New website (not to be confused with TCoA’s website): www.texasauthors.com Visit online to set up an author webpage.
R.R. Bowker, national advertising programs for authors.
Josephine Murphy
Promotional Services Executive
R.R. Bowker
1-888-269-5372 x0084
1-908-219-0084 (direct)
1-(908)-219-0180 (fax)
[email protected]
Audioclips Affordable sound “bytes” for author websites. Contact Kathleen Jenkins at [email protected] .
Macrogirl, websites and hosting for authors. Custom graphics, reasonable cost, and dependable service for the year following initial posting. www.macrogirl.com Linda S. Bingham, [email protected] .
Strategic Vision, LLC, Strategic Vision Literary is nationally recognized for its expertise in securing publicity for novice and recognized authors, as well as publishers. Our proficient team has served literary clients throughout the nation with media relations, book tours, graphics, and publishing needs. Strategic Vision Literary is considered an industry leader in the promotion of books, authors, and publishers. Contact:
Laura Ward, COO & General Manager [email protected]
Strategic Vision, LLC www.strategicvision.biz
235 Peachtree Street
North Tower, Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30303
(678) 556-0053 phone
(404) 287-2397 fax
Writing Instruction
Lisa Collazo LCSW, Writer’s Coach services–Lisa Collazo is a licensed clinical social worker and personal and professional writer’s coach. She helps writers discover their authentic voice and challenges them to begin taking risks with their writing. Ms. Collazo’s services for writers include individual telephone coaching, email courses and group teleclasses. She can be reached by email or phone at:
[email protected]
Dedicated to helping writers channel their fear into creative energy